19 Mart 2019 Salı


Senegal, officially known as the Republic of Senegal, is located in West Africa, south of the Senegal River.
Dakar is the capital and largest city of Senegal.
Dakar city is the most westerly point on mainland Africa, meaning
ıt is the last place on the continent to see sunrise and sunset.

The population of the Senegal is 15 millon.
Senegal has a strong democracy.

Wrestling is Senegal’s most popular sport.

The country has a pink lake, Lake Retba/Lac Rose.

Dakar is a hotbed of creative talent: painters and sculptors from
around the world.

African Renaissance Monument

The country has endless summer making it one of the best places
to go surf board-riding in Africa.

Senegal is a building a great green wall to hold back the encroaching
Sahara Desert and entice wildlife back to country.

 The country has an entire village, Joal-Fadiouth made of sea shells.

Senegal has seven world heritage sites.

15 Mart 2019 Cuma



Madagascar is the world’s fourth langest island country, situated off the
east coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean.
 Scientists say that Madagascar broke off from Africa almost 160 million 
years ago.

Madagascar was ruled by the French for a very long time and became independent
only in 1960.
It became the Republic of Madagascar in 1993.
The population of Madagascar is 25 million.

Antananarivo, Madagascar’s capital, is also by far its largest city with
an estimated 1 million residents.

Hundreds of species of animals and plants, found nowhere in the
world, are found in Madagascar.

Over 100 species of lemurs are found only in Madagascar, of which 
the ring tailed lemur is quite famous.

Madagascar has one of the world’s precious stones but lit is one of
the poorest countries in the world.


The official name is the Republic Of Kenya Jamuhuri Ya Kenya

Longest tower in Kenya. (Nairobi)

Kenya's capital and largest city is Nairobi. 
The most important cities are Mombasa, Kisumu and Nakuru.

The oldest human fossils are located around Turkana Lake in Kenya. (Belonging to 200 million years ago)

82% of Kenyans are Christians. 11% are Muslim.

The population of Kenya is estimated to be 47 million.
Almost 3 million of them are homeless.

Nearly 2 million children are orphans. 

Wangari Maathai was the first African woman to din Nobel Prize.

Kenya's marathon runners are the best in the world.

Students walk  an avarage of 11 kilometres to school and back every day. 

Kenya is the biggest black tea exporter in the world.

Nakuru Lake

Nakuru National Park

On 18 february 2019 kenya finished of diplomatic relationship with somali.

Kenya's vegetation.

Women who escaped from men's violence founded a village called Umoja. Only women live in this village.

Rose Leshornai (18): I was married to an older man. I was beaten every day. I love living here because I can escape the man I was forced into. It's impossible for us to stand against tradition. I feel safe here.

A man in Kenya accused his wife of being infertile
 and cut her hands and tore her head.  

Two official languages in Kenya are English and Swahili.

Carnivore in nairobi is among the 50 best restaurants in the world. Here you can eat crocodile skewers, grilled ostrich or impala meat.

They spit in the face of newborn babies. 

Kimya Dersi Aşılama Deneyi